The art of living with plenty.

A place where people gather and practice
being in flourishing relationship with money
through coaching, classes, community events
and best of all, pie!

Extremely important and deserving of respect, connected to a spiritual purpose

An exchange of value or energy

A place where an artist works, or where people go to learn, practice or study art
We are a gathering place where money IS the art.
Where all are welcome regardless of where you are on the path to financial wellbeing.
Where classes and coaching are plentiful. We believe abundance is an inside job…
And a great piece of pie just sweetens the deal.
What we offer:

- Money skills for kids, teens, parents, adults and small business owners
- One-on-one financial coaching with our trained and compassionate staff
- Sacred Money Coach™ training developed by Certified Financial Planner and Owner, Luna Jaffe
- Events and workshops with authors, financial and business experts, artists, and musicians
- A café serving phenomenal sweet, savory, even gluten-free pies, gourmet coffees and teas and fine-craft beers and wines created by local women
- A retail space dedicated to financial resources, spiritual tools and inspiration and also featuring local artists
Interested in renting our classroom? Please read our classroom-guidelines-2018-2019 for more information and a link to an inquiry form.
Within Sacred Money Studios is the Prosperity Pie Shoppe, where we invite our community to delight in our locally-sourced, hand-made pies and artisan coffees & teas while getting their fill of financial savvy. The pie shop has a social mission of providing job training, growth-oriented work opportunities and money management education for previously incarcerated women in the Portland area.

Explore Our Awesomeness

Why Sacred Money Studios?
- To be in a nourishing relationship with money
- To revolutionize the world of financial education
- To lead a life of plenty
- To create community and inspiration, especially in relationship to money
- To provide resources that everyone, at every stage of life, can access
- To satisfy our deep desire to feel good about the way we manage money
- To know and live in the energy of thriving
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People need a place to go where money is openly discussed and tools are freely shared with everyone, regardless of their net worth. Our mission at Sacred Money Studios is to create a sanctuary where you come to practice money management, especially budgeting, in the same way you would participate in a yoga or fitness class. We are personal trainers for your money!
We believe that when we heal our relationship
with money, we can change the world

Who Do We Serve?
- Those who wish to improve their financial well being
- Couples that long for deeper and more peaceful conversations about money
- Women business owners who desire tools to grow a thriving business
- People living on fixed or minimal incomes who desire greater understanding of their money
- Professionals with middle to high incomes in search of greater financial wellness
- Service workers and small business owners who wish to increase their financial savvy
- Children, teens and young adults and families who desire increased confidence and competence with money

How do we serve?
- By welcoming all with an open heart and a generous spirit
- By making financial tools, resources and coaching accessible to all
- By providing a learning environment that is emotionally safe, encouraging and inspiring
- By creating and contributing to the community
- By providing a living wage to our employees, with benefits
- By joining forces with local, national and international B-Corps to be a change for good in the world
- By hiring, training and educating formerly incarcerated women
- By providing loving and awe-inspiring customer service
- By offering locally sourced, organic (when possible) ingredients
- By supporting and making visible local women brewers and vintners
We are here for those seeking maximum relief from financial stress and frustration. We aim to create a noticeable difference in our customers’ sense of well-being so they will come to seek instruction and the practice of money management as a grounding and gratifying process to look forward to. In short, we are here to provide our community a place to practice and celebrate financial thriving.
We are a registered Benefit Company in Oregon that is dedicated to providing accessible, innovative and personalized services that improve financial literacy in a spiritually grounded and accepting environment.

Why pie?
Because we love pie.
Because who doesn’t love pie?!
Because pie fixes everything!
Prosperity Pie Shoppe is a soul nourishing, community cafe where people gather around yummy pie and finely crafted beverages while soaking up the sweet calming energy and feisty financial conversations. All this while helping others! The profits from the pie shop fuel the studio’s mission of providing access to money education classes for those who may not ordinarily have the opportunity to participate in and benefit from them. View our current menu.
Where can you find us?

- Multnomah Village in Southwest Portland, Oregon
- A vibrant, artistic business district that is redefining itself by bridging the gaps for marginalized groups with increased density, new businesses and established restaurants and retail shops
- Lots of foot traffic brings hundreds of people by the space everyday
- A very desirable, lively and comfortable place for locals to connect and tourists to visit
Sacred Money Studios is attractive to young and old, couples, families and small business owners that frequent the Village or visit from other parts of Portland and outside the area. It is a perfect location for this new concept to take root, as we have many long time residents who are creative, engaged and seeking ways to improve their lives and communities.
Business Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 10:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 10:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am – 9:00pm
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About our Team

Luna Jaffe is the award-winning author of Wild Money: A Creative Journey to Financial Wisdom and owner of Lunaria Financial, a boutique financial planning firm also based in Multnomah Village. As a Certified Financial Planner™, psychotherapist and visual artist, Luna brings her financial and emotional wisdom, love of service and passion for teaching to Sacred Money Studios. She learned about money the hard way – through trial and error – until becoming a financial advisor 14 years ago.
Luna lives to pass her knowledge on to those that need it by helping them step out of their own limiting beliefs and boosting their sense of self-worth to imagine a world that is plentiful and supportive. She does this by bringing people face to face, taking the financial conversation offline and into a blossoming community where healing and thriving can take place.

Jennifer is a small business consultant and human resources specialist with a heart of gold & kick ass skills that were honed in the corporate world. With over 17 years experience in human resources, employment relations, strategic hiring and talent development, she believes that successful companies encourage their employees to thrive in the workplace. She models and teaches heart-centered leadership for managers and executives who want to engage their people with vision and passion. Jenn is committed to the mission of Sacred Money Studios and excited to watch it flourish.

Amy is a social media consultant, relationship builder, videographer, and trainer for Indrani’s Light Foundation, a non-profit with a mission to end gender-based violence. She relishes her new life of promoting businesses, engaging audiences and bringing joy to those she serves. Amy has a special passion for those who have suffered bankruptcy and truly understands the trauma such loss creates. Sacred Money Studios aligns with her desire to create an environment of joy and love for all members of our community who desire to heal and grow their relationship with money.

“None of us were born with a money gene and we’re here to tell you it’s not
too late. You can learn how to be smart and savvy with money. Your creative
spirit is an asset (not a liability). You are not selfish or greedy for wanting
an ease-filled and flourishing relationship with money.
We know that when people heal their money issues they can in turn believe in
themselves and grow their self-worth. Once they become better money
managers, stabilizing their financial lives, they will have more energy for their
true work in the world. With more people claiming their true work, the world
will be a better place for all”